Spark Hunter, written by Sonya Wilson, is a best-selling teen adventure fantasy about surviving in one of the last great wildernesses on earth .
Plantation art-directed this captivating cover, which was illustrated by the talented Dede Putra. The illustration was designed to inspire the reader to imagine themselves inside the lush forests of Fiordland National Park – in search of the answers behind the mysterious lights scattered amongst the trees.
It was important that the integrity and accuracy of the flora and fauna in Fiordland was captured. Careful attention was paid to colours and leaf forms and textures. The cover needed to appeal to both boys and girls, so Nissa's wardrobe and hair was intentionally non-gender specific. The composition of the image was designed to draw the viewer in and contain 'Easter eggs' in the form of the 'sparks' and birds, which are also scattered throughout the book on the chapter pages. Clever use of shadows and light transitions create a vibrant frame around the novel’s hero character Nissa, suggesting a thrilling journey awaits.